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About Our Cattery and What We Offer

Self contained unit


All pens are warm & welcoming

Secure double door entry

Each cat has individual time spent with them

Prompt veterinary support if needed

High quality food with individual diets catered for

Thorough daily cleaning regime of all kennels

24-hour supervision

Medication administered if required

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The Cattery is a self-contained, heated unit that gives your cat a cosy, comfortable environment for their stay with us. For the safety of our residents, the entryway into the Cattery is double gated to ensure we have no escapees.


Unlike the dogs, the cats are not allowed outside. But our team works hard to provide an equally enriched stay for your cat. There is an internal walkway that easily accesses each pen and where the cats in residence can watch what is going on.

Like the dogs, a range of bedding is provided for your cat's comfort, as well as interactive toys for them to play with whilst with us. Or, you can opt to bring in their own to make them feel more at home. Please do not wash whatever is brought from home for them though. Wheth er that be their bedding, comforter or toys. It is important it smells of home and not washing powder in order for the familiar smell to help them feel settled whilst staying with us.


Every care is taken to tailor your cats visit to suit their requirements.

The Care Factor

Your cats health and welfare whilst staying with us is our number one priority. We have a very experienced team that work hard to ensure your dog or cat has the best possible stay with us. We will feed your dog or cat according to your instructions using our quality food but are equally happy to use a diet provided by you should you wish to maintain their routine. We can also administer any medication required as per your instructions.


Each cats personal needs are taken care of, whether that be having cuddles, playing or just sitting with them. A visual daily health check is automatically done which can spot any health concerns quickly - all included in the price and adds to the mental stimulation your cat gets whilst staying with us.


The radio is on all day for the cats to listen to. We have found that, unlike the dogs who like something a little more upbeat during the day, the cats prefer a more mellow sound. So they have Smooth FM on. During the day they listen to Heart FM. At bedtime the channel is changed to Smooth FM so that the music is more soothing and calming. It’s the equivalent of their bedtime story.

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We provide a range of bedding for your cats comfort, or you can opt to bring in your own to make them feel more at home. Please do not wash whatever is brought from home for them though. Whether that be their bedding, comforter or toys. It is important it smells of home and not washing powder in order for the familiar smell to help them feel settled whilst staying with us.



Each family of cats have their own pen. At no point do we put cats from different households into the same pen.


We have a very high hygiene policy and the cattery is cleaned several times throughout the day with a DEFRA approved disinfectant.

Country Kennels & Cattery

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Country Kennels & Cattery
Country Kennels & Cattery

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